The prompts this week for 3WW were Callous, Persistent, and Interfere. Again I am writing my story in 55 words so I can use it for 55FFF.
She’s interfering in my life. My callous remarks yesterday should’ve stopped her bitching, but she doesn’t hear me. I have a job, dancing. My boss thinks I’m 18, but …….not for two more years.
She’s so persistent, wanting me back at school…….boring! She wants me to be a banker, to be a failure like her.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Heads or Tails - Case -2/24/09
The prompt for this week's Heads or Tails was Case. I chose Tails (any word that rhymes with Case).
The Vase.....
My Mother loves flowers. She has a green thumb. Something was always growing in our yard. From the time I can remember I would bring her flowers from the yard. Because she often had cut flowers in the house, usually sitting on the kitchen table, I knew she loved having them inside where she could see them. As I got older I noticed she used the same vase each time. It was a delicate green vase with swirls of gold on it. As time passed the little green vase became too small for the larger bouquets I brought to her.
One Saturday, many years later, I fetched her flowers and as she was putting them in water I ask her about the green vase. She said the vase had been her mother’s and when I began to bring her flowers she asked her mother if she could have the vase as it was the perfect size for my little flowers.
She went to the cabinet and brought out the green vase with gold swirls and gave it to me. She said, "I thought you would think about it one day I have been keeping it safe for you". The vase was mine for about ten years until my daughter claimed it. Just a few weeks ago, I saw the simply green vase with gold swirls looking gorgeous holding three red roses with the stems cut short. It was sitting on her coffee table. I mentioned her flowers and she said, "I love cut flowers in my house just like you and Mamaw".
The old green vase with the gold swirls has served us well and brought much joy. And I hope it continues to for many years.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday
Another week and another combination of 3WW and 55FFF. The prompts for 3WW were Candid, Impulse and Risk.
I believed, loved him.
Saying he’d treasure them.
On an impulse I assumed the risk.
And let him make the candid images of me he desired before leaving for Afghanistan.
He had the only copy.
Now I know he never loved me, because he posted those intimate pictures online.
And gave his friends the website.
I believed, loved him.
Saying he’d treasure them.
On an impulse I assumed the risk.
And let him make the candid images of me he desired before leaving for Afghanistan.
He had the only copy.
Now I know he never loved me, because he posted those intimate pictures online.
And gave his friends the website.
3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sunday Scribblings - Sports - 2/15/09
When I saw the prompt for this week, my mind when in a couple of different directions. And then I decided I would go for something current. Usually I write about my childhood memories, I did have a great story, but I will save it for another time.
There is just one sport for me…. college basketball and one team….. Carolina! When I say Carolina, I mean the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC.

I don’t think I am the usual fan. There are times I can’t even watch the game I am so stressed, I just lay in my bedroom in the dark, praying they will win. Sometimes, I can listen with my head covered with my blanket and if they are up by 20 points or more I can sit in my living room and watch them play.
I am not sure why but I have every TV in the house tuned to the game I guess somehow I feel this helps them in some way. I talk to the players and even to Roy by shouting at the TV.
I love Carolina Tarheel basketball! This year we are doing good, we have had some ups and downs, but it looks like everything is coming together. On Wednesday night we beat Duke at Cameron and I did loved that, but we play them again the last game of the season and I am worried. Always with Duke I worry. After that the ACC tournament, then on to the NCAA with the #1 seed in the East, I hope. The reason I worry is because of this statement……. On any given night when 2 ACC teams meet to play, any ACC team (no matter what their standings) can beat the other team. Over the years I have seen bottom ranked teams win when the odds were almost impossible. It must have something to do with adrenalin.
Info about the picture above: North Carolina's basketball team is introduced during the Late Night With Roy Williams NCAA college basketball scrimmage in Chapel Hill, N.C., Friday, Oct. 24, 2008. Fans got their first chance to see the 2008-2009 Tar Heel basketball team at the event.
Just so you will know, I am able to watch all sports and I do understand them, but I just don’t have the love for them like I do for my beloved Carolina Tarheels.
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday
I am doing a combination again this week with 3WW and 55FFF.
The prompts for 3WW were validate, rabble and disarray. I know I am late, but like I always say......better late than never.
Looking at the disarray around her, her mother passed out on the couch, the rabble always on the corner. She wants out.
She will show him what he doesn’t know. She knows he’ll validate her information, but the test doesn’t lie. Fourteen years without a father, she has found him. Will he take her in?
The prompts for 3WW were validate, rabble and disarray. I know I am late, but like I always say......better late than never.
Looking at the disarray around her, her mother passed out on the couch, the rabble always on the corner. She wants out.
She will show him what he doesn’t know. She knows he’ll validate her information, but the test doesn’t lie. Fourteen years without a father, she has found him. Will he take her in?
3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday
The prompts for 3 Word Wednesday are Nerve, Illicit and Crumple. As usual I am combining 3WW and 55 Flash Fiction Friday.....
Seeing her crumpled clothes on the floor made her feel so dirty. He tells her he loves her. She does these illicit acts to please him.
Cuffed, arrested and going downtown she finds out her boyfriend is a pimp.
She must get up her nerve to run, she doesn’t want to be hurt like before.
Seeing her crumpled clothes on the floor made her feel so dirty. He tells her he loves her. She does these illicit acts to please him.
Cuffed, arrested and going downtown she finds out her boyfriend is a pimp.
She must get up her nerve to run, she doesn’t want to be hurt like before.

3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday Scribblings - Regrets - 2/1/09
Regrets….yes I have them.
I first thought about making a list. Then I thought would any good come from making that list? Would it make any one of them change? NO, nothing would be different in my life so why should I take the time to relive things I can not change.
If I could erase my regrets, by making different decisions I am not sure I would. I believe changing even one decision would make my entire life different. Everyone I know thinks making changes in their past would make everything better, but it could do just the opposite.
My life is far from perfect, but I have family, people who love me, a roof over my head, enough food (well perhaps too much food),a great dog, many precious memories with a few regrets. I think I am pretty lucky so far.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday
I am being lazy again this week and I am using the prompts from 3 Word Wednesday to help me with 55 Fiction Friday. The prompts are Caress, Jagged and Ruthless. I really enjoy telling a story in just 55 Words.

Lay beside me, close. I need your warmth, to feel your hands slowly caress my body. Can you hear my jagged breathing, feel my racing heart? I love you. But you are ruthless leaving my bed to go home to your wife. You say soon we will be together, but soon never seems to come……
3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday
I decided to combine 3 Word Wednesday and 55 Flash Fiction Friday. The prompts for 3Word Wednesday are Cadence, Humble, Resolve. I really enjoy trying to telling a story in 55 words.

The procession is coming. I’m standing, waiting, with hundreds of others. I’m humbled. I couldn’t do what they have done. What resolve they must have had to leave their families, homes, everything to protect us? They’re coming back home today. I hear the cadence of soft singing, small flags waving as the hearses slowly pass.

3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
55 Flash Fiction Friday - 1/16/09
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Writer's Island - Just Around The Corner - Prompt #14
Sitting at my desk my mind is not focused on my work, but rather it is floating on thoughts of what might be going to happen later tonight. For several weeks, I had been talking on line with a guy I met in a game room while playing Scrabble. Now I want you to know that I don’t usually talk when I play because, well for two reasons, I don’t play well and I don’t trust people I meet on line. You know what Dr. House says, “people lie”, and I think that’s especially true when you talk on line. When I say “talk on line”, I actually mean type back and forth. It seems that everyone has a camera and microphone and they want to see you and actually talk to you, but I just can’t. I guess because I am afraid. I have no idea what I am afraid of, but I know what fear feels like and that is what it is.
Because Rick didn’t ask me what I was wearing, if I had a cam and all that kind of stuff, I started typing back to him. Like I said, we have been typing for several weeks and tonight we are going to meet. We are meeting at the mall in Greensboro at 7pm. I don’t live there, neither does he, but I thought it would be an easy place to meet, Rick agreed.
I am so excited, I can’t keep my mind on business, so the best thing I can do is call it a day. Headed home, I am trying to decide what to wear. I am thinking a skirt and a tank top or would that be too revealing, well I do want him to be interested! Yes, a skirt for sure.
I treat myself to a long bubble bath. My legs are smooth as silk; the scent of my perfume is in the air. I am having a good hair day……..I am ready to go.
As I am driving to the mall, my music is loud, I am singing along, “Waiting on a Woman”, I am smiling just thinking about meeting him. It is already dark, but I am not worried about where I am parking, because he will be walking me back to my car.
I am 10 minutes early, wow very unusual for me. I am generally late. I get out of my car and head for the mall. These heels are high, but I am walking okay. Actually I am walking my sexy walk and feeling great. I am not that familiar with this mall, but we are meeting at the food court on the first floor, so how hard could that be.
He described himself and he will be wearing a black shirt. I described myself and I told him I would be carrying a red purse. I pick a seat where I can survey the food court and I wait. I am nervous. We haven’t exchanged phone numbers or even talked on the phone, All I really know about him is his name. I am watching everyone as they pass, but I don’t see him.
Maybe he is just running late. It is 7:23 and he isn’t here. I hadn’t even thought about him not showing up. Okay, he’s not showing up, it is 7:49. I’m heading out. Why didn’t I park closer? Where are my keys? Where is my car, I must have gone out the wrong door. Am I upset? Hell, yes! I notice there are several lights out making the parking lot so dark. I am usually so careful, but not tonight.
Just around the corner is my car. A false safety. Above the din, I think I hear my name. As I turn toward the sound I am yanked back into the darkness, by a man in black. My screams are drown by screeching tires and gunshots, five, six, I don’t know how many. I don’t want to see people dying on the pavement or already dead. I hear someone shout call 911 and another voice saying I think this one is dead. I am so light headed from fear without Rick’s support my legs would have failed me. We walked back into the mall the way I came out. Tonight I am not going around that corner. I am still upset, but not mad anymore. Later, over coffee Rick explained, he had a flat tire and had to wait for AAA to come to change it. He couldn’t call; we hadn’t exchanged phone numbers. I shudder to think what would have happened had Rick not shown up when he did.
Dr. House,
Just Around The Corner,
Writer's Island
Sunday Scribblings - Organic- 1/11/09
When I saw the prompt for this week, I thought of the many times I have heard the word over the past few years. There are many articles and advertisements that tell us we will be healthier if we eat organic foods, I agree with this logic, but then I begin to think of all the people in the world who are starving and I am sure they are not thinking about eating organic. This makes me feel selfish since the cost for organic foods is so much more. So now I just try my best to eat like my grandparents did……simple. Their lives were long and productive and I am hoping mine will be also.
Just as I was about to end this boring post I decided to look up some synonyms for organic. Here are some of them, basic, natural, essential, functional, healthful, living, primitive, fundamental, vital, elemental and simple.
After reading the list, I feel much better. I am eating organic in my own way.
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday -
I combined 3 Word Wednesday and 55 Flash Fiction Friday again this week. The prompts were deception, panic, and scheme.
I panic; a sickening feeling in my stomach. She doesn’t care about the lies and deception. For her, it’s all about the end results….. the damn drugs. I know her scheme has worked, because she is nowhere to be found. How many more times will she be able to survive, to come back home again?
3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday Scribblings - For Richer or Poorer - 1/04/09
For richer or poorer………
It seems that most of my writings are about my childhood. I am not sure why that is, but when I see the prompts that is generally what comes to my mind.
You know, I didn’t even realize I was raised poor until I was about 25 years old. I know you are wondering why I didn’t know? I think is because I had everything I needed and most of what I wanted growing up. My parents worked, but Daddy was almost always on lay off for three to four months each year and my mother just made minimum wage. My parents learned to make sure every penny was used carefully. My mother’s sister and her husband lived just two doors down the street from my house and their situation was much the same, except they had two children.
The “two family effort” started before I can remember and continues to this day. (Our fathers are gone, but we still have our mothers.) It was like I had 2 mothers and 2 fathers. I am an only child, except for my two cousins. We were like a family of seven. We had a garden, went to my Grandma’s house, built picnic tables, sold produce on the side of the road, owned a power mower, went to church, took vacations, and many other things…….all TOGETHER! What we had was the “two family effort” and this made so much more possible.
Each family had their own house and car and spent time with just their family, but when there was something we REALLY needed, the power of the “two family effort” came to the surface and together everything came out okay.
Just to let you know having four parents made getting into trouble much harder, but we still managed. I will save those stories for another time.
My childhood was rich with love and comfort.
For Richer or Poorer,
Sunday Scribblings
Thursday, January 1, 2009
3 Word Wednesday & 55 Flash Fiction Friday
I thought I would combine 3 Word Wednesday and 55 Flash Fiction Friday this week. The prompts were glimmer, passion and wish.
He always had a passion for life. But lately much had changed. The Christmas music playing brought a glimmer of recognition to his face. My only wish for Christmas is to have him with me again remembering ……….if only for a few minutes. I hear him call my name………my wish comes true.
3 Word Wednesday,
55 Flash Fiction Friday,
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