Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sunday Scribblings - Organic- 1/11/09

When I saw the prompt for this week, I thought of the many times I have heard the word over the past few years. There are many articles and advertisements that tell us we will be healthier if we eat organic foods, I agree with this logic, but then I begin to think of all the people in the world who are starving and I am sure they are not thinking about eating organic. This makes me feel selfish since the cost for organic foods is so much more. So now I just try my best to eat like my grandparents did……simple. Their lives were long and productive and I am hoping mine will be also.
Just as I was about to end this boring post I decided to look up some synonyms for organic. Here are some of them, basic, natural, essential, functional, healthful, living, primitive, fundamental, vital, elemental and simple.
After reading the list, I feel much better. I am eating organic in my own way.


Roan said...

I agree with your thinking. Simple is best.

Anonymous said...

It's all about eating healthy - this from the woman who made it a personal goal to eat every one of the Christmas cookies her niece baked!

Marguerite said...

I agree with your post. I personally long for a more simple life.

Michelle said...

I'm eating organic 'in my own way' too!
I agree with you, it's hard to justify eating organic (i.e. more expensive) when there are children dying of starvation in other countries.

myrtle beached whale said...

Are Krispy Kreme's organic? Let's see:


* 2 cups scalded milk
* 1/2 cup butter
* 2/3 cup sugar, divided
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 2 tablespoons yeast
* 4 eggs (beaten)
* 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
* 7 cups sifted flour


* 3 cups powdered sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
* 1/2 cup cold water

Yep, all organic. No chemicals here.

floreta said...

i think you've got it! organic almost seems like a class thing now..

Tumblewords: said...

Ah, yes, to each in our own way! It's strange how the word has taken on life of its own...Good post!

DJPare said...

Everything in life seems to be balanced against something else, as you've pointed out nicely!

Linda Jacobs said...

Yes, simplicity! I'm all for it!