I decided to combine 3 Word Wednesday and 55 Flash Fiction Friday. The prompts for 3Word Wednesday are Cadence, Humble, Resolve. I really enjoy trying to telling a story in 55 words.

The procession is coming. I’m standing, waiting, with hundreds of others. I’m humbled. I couldn’t do what they have done. What resolve they must have had to leave their families, homes, everything to protect us? They’re coming back home today. I hear the cadence of soft singing, small flags waving as the hearses slowly pass.

Fantastic post. Nothing else needs to be said.
Redheels...Terrific 55!!
I'm glad you are a bit early this week, I'd like others to come and read what a fantastic mind you have. Thanks for visiting, thanks for playing, and have a GREAT Week-End...Galen
i love it. i'm w myrtle...nothing more needs to be said.
This is good for 55 words. Great choosing of the words.
Nice. Thanks for that.
Linked over from Galen's...wow very powerful with the words and images...I have one up if you like...
That was a wonderful piece of writing!
Good one! I loved it!
said the spider to the fly
Wow! This is indeed humbling & touching...
I ditto Myrthe Beached Whale. We are humbled indeed.
If you don't mind, I am linking this post on my sidebar as one of the best this week. You will find it on the upper right hand corner.
Well done, Redheels.
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