Seeing her crumpled clothes on the floor made her feel so dirty. He tells her he loves her. She does these illicit acts to please him.
Cuffed, arrested and going downtown she finds out her boyfriend is a pimp.
She must get up her nerve to run, she doesn’t want to be hurt like before.

Dark. Not sure 55 words is enough.
Well done - the story is captured and yet not over - most stories never end. I like this.
Gritty. Real life is messy. Well done.
I really like the way this began to build The opening is fantastic, so many emotions in such a small amount of words. I will be honest, I was thrown by the pimp reference. I would have liked him to be some corporate hot-shot who needs the illicit acts to build on his ego. But that's me. I'm dark.
That being said, I still think this works very well.
I liked it as it was, but I would have arranged it entirely between the two photos, not cut up by them, because it took me too long away from the story, which is short, to return as easily as would have liked. That is just me.
I liked it. Thanks.
Hard hitting. I like..
illicitly intertwined
This is achingly sad...I wanted to know what happened to this vulnerable woman.
What a blow...poor thing!
Great job!
What a heel! Poor girl.
Great 55 m'dear. :)
I did one too.
I hope she runs!
Awesome 55!!!!!
Great choice of pics to go along with your dark story.
This is one of the best ones that I've read so far today.
Thank you so much for this excellent contribution.
Have a Wonderful Week-End....G
Very powerful. Well done. I tried my hand at the 55 today as well.
Visit Me @ Randomness of Me
and the sad part is,, this very well could be some woman's truth....
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