I was talking with my daughter, Julie, last week. She was going over her schedule for the upcoming week. It is something we have done for several years now. It helps us stay in touch a little better. And we seem to worry less about each other since we started exchanging schedules. Now I want you to know it’s not like we go over every tiny detail just an overview. She mentioned a Sunday afternoon football party. I thought it sounded like a lot of fun, but she went on to tell me more about it and then I knew she didn’t really care to go, but she was going. She believes you should go when invited unless you have another engagement already on the schedule. In return she believes people will attend your parties when ask.
Later on in the week Julie called to tell me about a situation that occurred with a friend of hers. She mentioned the football party to a friend just in general conversation and found out that MK had NOT been invited. MK was very upset! The host has been to her home on several occasions for parties including football parties. MK just couldn’t understand why she wasn’t invited.
After several minutes of talking about the situation, MK told Julie she wouldn’t have attended the party, but thought she should have been invited.
I have thought about this many times over the years, but for the life of me I can’t decide why most women feel this way. It doesn’t really matter about the event, whether you want to go or not…..actually it’s all about the invitation.

I think we all like to be invited even if we don't intend on going. It means we are thought of. My last invitation was for jury duty. I didn't get picked because I have a clue. It was hurtful, but I will get over it.
Red heels. Dolly Parton. Invitations. It molds together to form a beautiful blog.
this entire scenario could be a Seinfeld episode rEd! :))
Yeah, that's a really good point, I can think of a few times when I've said 'Nobody told me about that!'
Phew, that's really sad isn't it?
I feel as if MK and I have a lot in common . . . not sure if that is a good or a bad thing (but damn I hate not being invited).
Excellent scribble!
I didn't know most women feel this way. I don't. I've never had friends complain to me about not being invited to gatherings either.
Your post has me wondering more why this is news to me. Probably didn't get the invitation to the meeting that explained this phenomenon. :-)
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