Friday, September 12, 2008

Sunday Scribblings - 55 Flash Fiction Friday - "Coffee" - 9/14/08

Here early working on HIS paperwork so I can get mine done in time. I hear the sounds of co-workers arriving. The minutes of my precious morning time have slipping away. Everyone is now hard at work. Thirty-three minutes late I hear HIM arrive. And then the dreaded command…..COFFEE!!!! I am not a waitress……….


myrtle beached whale said...

I don't think the caveman attitude towards women would fly these days.

Lucy said...

Bosses! TOO Bossy!

Granny Smith said...

Have you thought of replying, "Thank you for asking. I'll have some after you've made one for yourself"?

Mona said...

They do treat you like slave at times! I don't know what the bosses would do without secretaries!!

G-Man said...

Great Job Red Heels!

Why does that movie 9 To 5 suddenly come to mind?

Very formidable 55 My Dear..

Thanks for playing, and I hope to see you back next week...G

Rinkly Rimes said...

Who cleared up all that paper? I hope it was the same person that demanded coffee!

Linda Jacobs said...

One of the other Sunday Scribblers put vinegar in the coffee so no one would ask her to make it. I'd say your boss needs a dose of that!

Roan said...

Unfortunately, there are still too many good old boys out there! BJ

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, I remember those days. Kind of thought they'd gone the way of the dinosaur but maybe not... good post!

susan said...

An amazing thing happens to my hearing when the word, "Please" is attached to a request. I become deaf. lol

Alone on the Isle said...

Dump it on his lap next time -- that should shut him up (I spent years getting tea for my boss, and I am still waiting for her to thank me).

Excellent use of the coffee prompt!

susan said...


Thanks for reading and commenting. Though, I can't imagine what you mean. Who wouldn't enjoy their coffee served that way? lol

What happen to "Bitch" on your music player? It's a very cool head bopper tune.