I have done all I can do. Everything should be in order. I am on edge. My mind is racing. There is nothing I can do to make myself focus my thoughts elsewhere. What is the delay? Finally, the clerk emerges and calls my name. I have passed my driving test. Next, the dreaded picture.

haha! good one Red!
Aww cute! :) I think we can all relate.
Like this!
focussed on death
oh, i really enjoyed this one... twice i have missed the test by one point... the photo oh how bad can it get!
I can relate to this one!
Excellent 55, Red. :D
Oh, so long ago... But the picture thing recurs every few years, I suppose. Ugh. Efficient combination of two memes!
First of all I want to thank you for visiting my humble blog today..
I hang with the nicest, funniest, and most caring people in the world. You are always welcome there, and you can hang out if you like.
As far as the 55 goes...?
I Loved It!!!
You captured the spirit of the theme marvelously!!
Thanks for playing, and please play again next week.....Galen
LOL! That was brilliant!
Edge, focus & delay... To jump or not to jump, that's the question... :D
Is that class so boring? We Don't have that kind of classes in India. Our class is the road.. LOL!
If we had one, I guess it wold be about a year long class, telling us how to deal with cows on roads and various other one thousand one hundred & eleven things! :D
Oh I've been there! Great 55 :)
Hi, Red: My first time over here. Clever 55! I'll come by again.
Very clever to combine both the 3WW and 55FF. What do they put for hair color if you are bald?
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